FULFILLER OF PROMISES 1st Sunday of Advent Have you heard of the latest scam that again duped thousands of our countrymen? Very ordinary people are now crying their hearts out to recover their precious savings. Many people nowadays succumb easily into scams. Why? Because people are entranced by promises a better economic and social life. I too was once scammed by glib, attractive proposals of a person I hardly knew and who later appeared as a seasoned deceiver. We hold on to promises when we find ourselves walking through the dark. Promises become irresistible as we try to wriggle our way out of difficult situations of poverty, indebtedness, shame or desperation. Promises become so tempting to believe when we are most in need of hope. But as the saying goes, some “promises are meant to be broken”. And when they are indeed broken, this results in shattered dreams and broken hearts. Look at the sadness o...