New Year: Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
Why do we have this uncontrollable urge to see the ugly, to spot the bad? It makes us all the more sad and miserable. Many families are shattered, many lives are meaningless, many opportunities are lost – all because we focus on complaints, criticisms, non-appreciation of people and situations.
Look at the shepherds, what did they choose to find? They sought the Child who was the Savior of the world. Look at Mary, what did she do with her dilemma? She turned it into a discovery of God’s movements in her life. The shepherds and Mary the Mother of God, most specially, are our models in starting the year by looking at the positive, appreciating the beautiful, encouraging the good.
We want to banish evil and bad luck by superstitious tricks – round items around the house, polka dots on our clothes, firecrackers. Why not try another strategy? Why not start looking around you and seeing what a blessing people have been all this time for you. You wife, your children, your friends are gifts. Why not look within you and discover that you are not a failure, not a dirty rag, not a hopeless case. You are a special person for the Son of God to come and share your life. Let us start seeing good and doing the good this new year. May God bless you!
More from my book “Rejoice and Be Glad”