LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Each time we celebrate Mass, there is a truly special part of the celebration that we somehow find routine and therefore often ignore – the Prayers of the Faithful or the General Intercessions. For many, it is almost instinctive to respond, “Lord hear our prayer” to the lector’s words: “Let us pray to the Lord.” How many of us really internalize every petition before we mindlessly utter those words? How many of us truly listen to the petitions so that we can make them our own? What are we doing in this part of the Mass? We are doing exactly the same thing that the characters in the gospel today have done in approaching Jesus with their requests. Jairus, a synagogue leader, rushed to Jesus and even kneeling before Him, asked for the healing of his 12 year old daughter, who died before Jesus could reach their home. We are repeating the gesture of the sick woman the doctors could not heal for a long time. Jairus and the s...