A SIMPLE LESSON FROM ST. JOHN MARY VIANNEY’S CHILDHOOD Popular saint? One of the most important saints of all time is St. John Mary Vianney. In the Philippines, he is however, not as famous as our traditional patrons, the great saints like Francis of Assisi, Dominic de Guzman, Therese of Lisieux and St. Joseph. Not many churches are named after St. John Vianney and though his name is at times heard, not many lay people know his story. In my last parish, there stood a statue of St. John at the entrance of the church. I was always asked by people who this saint was and what he did to merit sainthood. Some people simply knew him as a priest, the patron saint of parish priests. When I was a seminarian, I gave my young cousin a holy card, a stampita, of St. John. The boy upon receiving my gift, pouted and laid aside the card on the table, clear signs of disinterest. My mother chided me and told me that, next time, I must give away pictures of happy and handsom...