Jesus, risen, give us life! Some years back, a blockbuster movie tried to convince us that Jesus was not God but only a human being, married to Mary Magdalene. The movie is no longer in the news. But Jesus is still the big news of all time! The following year, another film tried to convince us that men found the tombs of Jesus and his wife and relatives. They found his coffin and his bones, they said. The film did not change the world for the good. But Jesus today, stands as the greatest novelty of all. Jesus is not in the tomb. The tomb is empty. He is risen. He is alive! It is interesting to note that men of today are trying to destroy our faith in Jesus, our Lord and God. While there are positive feature stories in magazines, television and film about other religions, almost all you hear about Jesus and Christianity, especially our Catholic faith, is negative and without inspiring value. To be Catholic and to be strong in our faith is truly g...