DRAWN TO THE POOR 22nd Sunday Filipinos appreciate the virtue of humility. Christians encourage one another to be humble. We are ever cautious of pride and we do not want to be considered arrogant. But is this humility when… A woman is praised for her beautiful dress: What a gorgeous dress you are wearing today! And she demurs: This one? It’s actually very old. (when in fact she just bought it for the occasion) A child is asked: Who is more clever, is it you or your brother? The child replies: It’s my brother, I am just following his footsteps. A person is asked: Why don’t you give a speech, or start the prayer? And the person answers: I’m not good at that. Please find somebody else. Often, what passes for humility is actually timidity, fear or shame. Central to the gospel today is Jesus challenge and promise: The one who exalts himself will be humbled and the one who humbles himself will be exalted. Praise of the humble carries wit...