WHAT A RELIEF! 14th Sunday The past Sunday solemn feasts have not been very easy celebrations. For one, the feasts celebrated, although forming the core of our Catholic Christian faith, have been anchored on great mysteries that are not easily understood by all. Yes, we can experience the new Pentecost, we encounter the Most Blessed Trinity and we receive with joy the Body of Christ the Lord. And yet, if we mull over the mysteries mentioned, at times, we fail to grasp their entire meaning. But today, the Lord is as if telling us: enough of mysteries, even those that touch deeply your faith in Me. Jesus is simply telling us to find our rest in him. Jesus is simply inviting us to trust him and experience his great love and concern for everything that happens to our lives. Let us pause for a moment. Close your eyes if you need to. And listen to your heart and mind. Even before you entered the church, so many concerns have already been affecting you these days. ...