Disappointed by sin and rebellion Sunday 27 The message of God for us today comes in two related stories. In the first one from Isaiah, the owner of a vineyard invests every meticulous care on his vineyards hoping to find grapes at harvest time. But there was no yield. In the second one from the pen of Matthew, the Lord Jesus relates the parable of a man who entrusts his vineyard to his laborers hoping to get a share of his harvest. But the workers treacherously claim all the harvest and even kill the owner’s only son. The message is clear: the owner of the vineyard is disappointed at his vines and at his workers! Disappointment is a serious feeling. You generously endow a person with love and care, hoping that your kindness will be reciprocated or your expectations will be met. But in the end, the person you love betrays your trust. Disappointment is crushing and self-defeating. How many times have we been disappointed with a person we love or tru...