TEMPTATIONS IN DAILY LIFE 1st Sunday of LentB This Sunday’s gospel is very short. Its mission is to start us into thinking about the journey of Lent we just entered into. Mark describes Jesus driven by the Spirit into the desert, where he was to be tempted by the devil. In his baptism, Jesus was filled with the Spirit. But it was no guarantee to a life immune from temptations of daily life. As human beings, we live our lives in constant battle with many choices. In the Old Testament, Moses presents the people of Israel with only two choices, one for life and the other for death. Today life is much more complicated and the choices are nuanced. I like this illustration of a conversation in a restaurant. Waiter: Care for drinks, sir? Customer: What are the options? Waiter: Hard drinks and soft drinks. Customer: Get me soft drinks. Waiter: Coke or Pepsi. Customer: Coke, please. Waiter: Regular, light or zero? Customer: Regular,...