KING OF GLORY, KING IN AGONY PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION More than any other occasion in the Christian calendar, this Holy Week gives us a focused and intense gaze on the face of Jesus. Who is Jesus? He is king, our king! JESUS IS THE KING OF GLORY His target place is Jerusalem, the Holy City of God. And Jesus literally “goes up” to Jerusalem since it is a high place. Going up, he is surrounded by his disciples and followers who already accept him as king of their lives. There are elements that show how Jesus wish to reveal himself as king in Jerusalem. First, he comes riding a donkey on which no one has before sat on. It is the right of ancient kings to demand their transport and further to be the first to use an animal for transportation. But Jesus’ choice of animal is not at all grand, but a donkey. In this way, he is the king of peace, king of simplicity and king of the poor. Second, we notice the words of greeting people use: B...