THE LOVE THAT GIVES ALL SOLEMN FEAST OF THE TRINITY For many Catholics, the closest we get to the mystery of God is when we make the Sign of the Cross as we begin to pray. That is, if we are serious enough to consider what we say and do as we trace the Cross on our bodies. Today we celebrate the great feast of the Christian God, the One God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Most Blessed Trinity. Is the Trinity an “opening” prayer? Is the Trinity a matter only for the catechism class? Is the Trinity merely a doctrine to embellish our faith? The Trinity is real – real God, real life, real love! How must we reflect on the Trinity? The best way to do so is to start with what we do each day – by means of the Cross. Jesus explained to us the Father and Himself and the Holy Spirit. But most specially, he showed to us that God is One and God is Three Persons as he went through his death and resurrection. Take a cross and look a...