FAITH THAT SAVES 13th Sunday, Ordinary Time The gospel today offers two accounts that are very real and concrete. Who will not be able to identify with the two women in Mark’s narration – the woman bleeding for twelve years and the little girl on her deathbed? There are times when we are desperate in our search for solutions to our problems. This woman was sick for a long time and her resources are already exhausted. Yet, she persists in her pain. My mother went through this in two years of cancer medications and I think I know what’s happening here. Maybe for the longest time ever you are in search of a job, or your career is slow and unproductive, or you have been waiting for a loved one to find the light. Yet you cannot bring about the results you desire. There are also times when the light of our life is dimmed, like Jairus whose lovely daughter just died. How he hated to see her go and would do everything to augment her life....