OBSERVANCE FROM THE HEART 22nd Sunday If we observe religious groups around us, we will instantly notice how each one is governed by specifics of discipline and custom. An obvious discipline is on food. While both Muslims and Jews shun pork, Jews have an additional list of forbidden animals and fish. Buddhists are vegetarians and Hindus too. While Catholics are the most hospitable to all the different food groups! In Jesus’ time the rules were not only about food but about how to prepare, touch and eat them and also how to clean up after a meal. Violating all these sets of rules made one impure. People became scrupulous observers, not thoughtful practitioners of their faith. This is what Jesus sets out to do. He castigates the man-made “traditions” – those not originating from God but mere human inventions that grew around and obscured the core of faith. And referring to the diet prescriptions he decre...