BE CHALLENGED BY THE OTHERS 26 th Sunday During one instance of heavy rains, when people flocked to our church for safety, a woman came to me. She offered the information that not all who evacuated to the church are Catholics. She talked to some of these people, she said, and asked them why they turned to us and not rather to their own churches. I gently reminded the woman that in the Catholic Church, helping is not done by sorting out people according to religious identity. There are no labels to people who need succor and refuge. The readings today serve as our guide in understanding how to see other people who are not “from our side,” – those who belong outside our group but who, like us, profess to sincerely seek the Lord. In the first reading (Num. 11), the Lord distributes his Spirit to the elders together with Moses. But the Lord also chose to bestow his Spirit on two elders who were not with them, while enlightening Mos...