STOP REJECTING, START LOVING 4th Sunday, Ordinary The gospel tells a shocking twist about Jesus’ visit to his native town, Nazareth. This continues last week’s gospel in which we heard that Jesus read from the scroll of the Scriptures and people were filled with amazement. In the gospel today (Luke 4) the neighbors, maybe including relatives and friends of Jesus, realize that this person who claims to be the fulfillment of the Scriptures proclaimed at the synagogue, was just a native son, a mere neighbor, an acquaintance, a relative, nobody special. What right has he to a claim of greatness? This led Jesus to declare: No prophet is accepted in his own town. Initially awed, the people now resort to rejection. They wanted to throw Jesus out of the town. He was simply unacceptable to their taste. I think that today there are two ways by which we reject people from our lives. First, like the experience of J...