Do you bear fruit? 3rd Sunday of Lent Jesus received a tragic report. Some Galileans were killed by Pilate and their blood was mingled with their sacrifices. Jesus knew there was something the people wanted to insinuate, that these dead were the worst sinners in town. Jesus even offered another instance of similarly tragic nature. Eighteen men died when a tower fell on them. Did the people think they were also great sinners because they suffered thus? In the gospel for the third Sunday of Lent (Luke13), Jesus carefully scrutinizes the hearts, the motives of the people who came to him. They so easily accused others and imputed since on others. That is a strong human tendency. We gloat at others people’s misfortunes and think they deserve them because of their unworthiness. This is the object of rumor and gossip mills. But the Lord took a different response. He did not join the people in their speculations. ...