In Jesus all become one! At Easter we celebrated our faith in the one Lord, Jesus Christ the Savior. At Pentecost, we professed our faith in one Holy Spirit, Lord and Life-giver. On Trinity Sunday, we proclaimed the face of the One God - one in the unity of three Persons. Today Feast of Corpus Christi, we rejoice in the One Body of Christ. As receive this one Body, we also become that one body. What is this one body of Christ? First, this body is the Person of Christ himself we meet in the sacrament, in every Mass and in every tabernacle around the world. At times we wonder why the priest holds up a huge bread while we receive a small version of it. Does the priest have a bigger appetite? Is his sacramental meal more special? No! The priest uses a big host for all of us to see that our celebration is centered on “one” bread that will become through the Holy Spirit, the one Body of Christ. Later the one bread, now the Body of Christ, is broken...