JUST FOLLOW ME… We know from experience that some people are more likeable than others. Some are easily friendly and accommodating, creating a pleasant feeling right from the start. We are of the same “vibes,” we say. But there are others who radiate a different aura, who seem distant and unpleasant, whose presence we judge suspicious even before we fully know them. When we are with these people, we tend to treat them as our enemies. We declare war against them, whether it is the subtle, silent treatment or an all out revulsion that manifest in our actions. In the gospel, we see Jesus and the disciples travelling and passing through Samaria (Lk. 9:51ff). The people there were not welcoming. They rejected the Lord and his men. By impulse, the brothers James and John declared war on the inhabitants. They wanted to “call down fire from heaven to consume them.” Isn’t that exactly how we think about the people we consi...