THE KIND OF HEART YOU HAVE At first glance the gospel seems to be a warning against the rich. Jesus gives the parable of a rich man who built bigger and bigger barns to store his harvest. Then he relaxed, undisturbed and secure in his material wealth. But that night, he died. He had no time to enjoy his great abundance. Well, others did it for him. I think the gospel is not all about the rich. It is for all of us, whether millionaire or simple folk. Far from chastising riches, the Lord Jesus challenges all human heart. For today’s gospel, there are two types of hearts: first, the heart that is afraid to lose and second, the heart that is ready to share. Many of us have a heart that is full of fear and insecurity. We fear that we do not have enough. And so if we give, or share, then we will end up miserable. Some rich people think like that. But surprisingly, even poor p...