INSENSITIVITY IS A SIN Our readings today show the displeasure of the Lord on a particular human trait – insensitivity. In the first reading (Amos 6), the Lord notices how the rich of Israel, eat and drink, sing and relax, enjoy and take life easy. There is nothing wrong about enjoying life. But there are suffering people around, and God wonders, what these revelers do to help them. The Gospel offers a very graphic description of an insensitive person (Luke 16: 19ff). Again, a rich man dwells in cozy surroundings in the midst of abundance. Just outside his door laid a sick beggar, Lazarus. When the rich man died, he went straight to hell – not for maltreating the beggar, but for ignoring him. To both subjects in the first reading and the Gospel, the Lord has only one message: you will end up in the place of torment. After your easy earthly life, your eternity will be one of torment and ceaseless anguish!...