FOR YOUR HAIR So much money, time, attention and care go to maintaining the beauty of a person’s hair. Just look at most of the personal care commercials; if it’s not about the skin, it surely is about one’s hair. Everybody wants that beautiful, long, silky, strong, dandruff-free hair. Women will buy the perfect shampoo. Men will consult experts. This vanity about hair transcends gender. The Lord Jesus certainly understands this very human concern for hair. Hair is an indicator of health. A person with healthy hair is a person with a healthy body and worry-free life. When hair begins to fall on your pillow or gather on the shower drain, if it’s not heredity, it must be stress or sickness. Jesus spoke of a life of challenges and trials for his disciples (Luke 21:5-19). Those who would follow him will live through the most difficult forms of persecutions, hatred, banishment and fatigue. To follow Je...