DOING AWAY WITH THE IMPOSSIBLE There are times we think things are impossible to happen, impossible to change, impossible to move. We are resigned to the impossible and so, we cannot move on, we cannot rise up, we cannot go up higher. But God is the enemy of the impossible. What is inconceivable by the mind is possible in the heart of the Lord. If he declares that something will happen, it will happen as long as we are open and receptive for it to happen. Look at Mary. She was unmarried, a virgin, much too young to be a mother. And yet, now the angel announces: you will conceive in your womb and bear a son. Look at Elizabeth, she was married but barren and much to old now to bear a child. And yet, the angel says: she has conceived a son in her old age. Nothing is impossible for God! Do you believe this? Do believe God can do everything to make your life meaningful and fruitful? Do you believe God loves you so ...