--> MERCY THAT LIBERATES A man went outside to buy food for his wife and kids. On the way home, three men shot him, took his wallet, and left him for dead. In the courtroom where the culprits were about to be tried, the mother of the murdered man embraced the youngest of the accused and proceeded to hug his mother too. Then she said: “I do not hate you. It’s not our way. Showing mercy…that’s our way.” Imagine what happened at the Resurrection. As Jesus rose, he pushed open the stone blockade at the entrance of the tomb. Setting out from there, Jesus left behind the coldness, the darkness, and the dryness of death to welcome the new light and life he is now to share with his waiting disciples. But on the contrary, the disciples locked themselves in an isolated place, huddled in fear of the Jews, as the Gospel says (Jn 20:19). To think that they too were Jews! Were the disciples afraid of themselves? Jesus’ first act of mercy to his discip...