MYSTERIOUS OR PASCHAL APPROACH TO DEATH Even in the New Testament, we can find “sapiential” words referring to death, like in the Old Testament. These may have been thoughts derived from Ecclesiastes or Sirach. But this is not the novelty! When Jesus died on the cross for us, when “one died for all” then all things changed radically and death itself became a new thing. Jesus had spoken of his death as a Passover “exodus” (Lk 9,31) and John oriented his whole gospel in a way that clearly shows that Jesus’ death on the cross is the new passover (In Latin, pascha ). The evangelist changed the meaning of the word passover (pascha) to mean the death of Jesus: Passover is the “passage of Jesus from this world to the Father” (Jn 13, 1). Passover and death of Jesus are two words intimately united in the minds of the first Christians. Jesus’ Passover derived from his suffering ( passio ) and is called such because of the even...