Pronouncing (the holy name of Jesus) frequently, blessing it and honoring it in this life, we will be found worthy to sing it eternally with the blessed in Heaven. Long live, Jesus Christ! (devotion to the Blessed Sacrament) protects, fortifies, encourages. In a word, it divinizes our spirit every time that we receive it with true faith, with purity and with devotion. Let us all place ourselves before the Crucified and say to Him: O splendid Sun of our hearts, You will revive us with the rays of Your goodness. Here we are almost dead before You: we will not move from here until Your heart brings us back to life. It is a great evil to fail to do good. The Holy Spirit directs us personally by His inspiration. That great fear that leads to scruples is not a bad thing for the person who is just distancing himself or herself from sin; it can even be an indication of purity of conscience. However, it is not to be ...