In order to know whether a person is truly wise, learned, generous and noble, we must observe whether his abilities tend to humility, modesty and obedience, for in that case they will be truly good. #wisdomfrancisdesales The distrust that you have of yourself is a good thing, provided it is founded on confidence in God; but if it makes you feel disturbed and uneasy, dismiss it completely as the greatest of all temptations. #wisdomfrancisdesales As soon as you are conscious of being tempted, follow the example of children when they see a wolf or a bear out in the country… turn to God and implore his mercy and help. This is the remedy Our Lord Himself has taught us: “Be on guard and pray that you may not be put to the test” (Mk 14:38). #wisdomfrancisdesales If I knew that there was one single spark of affection in my soul that was not of God, in God and for God, I would annihilate it immediately. #wisdomf...