REST IN THE LORD'S ETERNAL EMBRACE, BRO JUN! THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR LIFE WITH US! GOD BLESS YOU! GOODBYE, BRO. JUN, PARISHIONER, FATHER AND FRIEND! Sis. Fe’s past midnight text message sent chills down my spine that very early morning I woke up to read it. As I called Sis. Fe back, my fear was confirmed. Something happened to you in the hospital. You moved from earth to heaven, where your heart always lay, where the likes of you are destined to spend eternity, where Jesus waits for you with comforting embrace. I could not anymore return to sleep; instead I went before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for you. I prayed the Rosary that Mama Mary, whom you loved most affectionately, will accompany you to the throne of God. After praying, I tried to focus on my usual morning chores but I did not succeed. A deep sadness came into my heart and I felt a great loss. I must be truly blessed as a priest because I came to know you in...