--> LOVING EYES, LIVING CHRIST Easter is a season of stories of people who have seen the Lord after his Resurrection. While so many witnessed the passion of Jesus, from his triumphant entry to Jerusalem to the death and burial outside the city walls, not all those present then had an encounter with the Risen Lord. In the beginning, even the ones who were with Jesus in his life and ministry, and who stayed close by during his passion and death, had some difficulty visualizing the Lord in his new and glorified state. Mary Magdalene mistook the Lord Jesus for a gardener. But when Jesus spoke Mary’s name, her heart warmed up with all the thoughts of her days staying with and following the Lord, her moments at the foot of the cross, and her anointing his body for burial. The voice of Jesus ignited the love in her heart and then she could clearly see him now. John the beloved is another Easter figure. In his case, he did not see the Lord immed...