4TH SUNDAY OF LENT B (Jn 3: 13-21)
A woman was busy preparing something when she heard a soft knock on her door. She thought the person would do away if she did not open the door. Instead the person outside knocked more and louder. So the woman decided to see the person at the door and get rid of him/her fast. When she opened the door, she found a smiling boy with a flyer, an invitation to attend the church across the street. “Why are you here?”, she asked. The boy smiled at her and said: “I just want you to know Jesus loves you and he invites you to our church this Sunday.” Then the boy ran away.
The woman was surprised. She stood motionless and began to cry. For a long time she has not heard the word love from any one. Her husband died, her children left, and she was all alone. she was actually preparing for suicide before the boy came. But now, she heard that Jesus loves her! She wants to know more! She has reason to live!
While we think of Lent as a time of sacrifice, repentance, devotions and traditions, the fact is that the heart of this season is love. God so loved the world, he sent Jesus his only Son to suffer and die and take away our sins. Jesus came to embrace us and accompany us and assure us everyday that we are loved. Other people, and even our hearts may tell us: you are a sinner, a failure, such a waste; you will never change! That is why so many people are full of guilt, sadness, depression, self-pity and cannot move on from their sins and failures.
Today, in the middle of Lent, God repeats the only word he wants to say to you: I love you! Jesus speaks to us the most important message from his heart and the heart of the Father: I love you! Come to me, there is reason to live and be happy and peaceful in your life! Let us reflect on this love and receive it now! (please share to your loved ones… thanks to the internet for the photo above)