LK 11: 1-13



Recently a man sent a letter to the editor of a newspaper. He expressed his dismay the way the elections were conducted. He also mentioned his disappointment with the previous government for its oppressive and callous use of power. In his youth he said, he was taught that God only wanted good things for his people. But current developments in the country seemed to run counter to this supposed good intentions of God. Ending the letter, the man said that he was giving up on God, that he no longer believed.


Prayer is our communication line with God, true. But prayer is not only an opportunity to ask God to do things for us. Nor is it a "request counter" where we expect God to give us what we think we need and what we think is best for our situation in life. Prayer, above all, demands a relationship of closeness, of trust, of hope and of love with the God who surely listens to us when we call on him.


The Lord Jesus imparts to us vital lessons on prayer in today’s gospel which is composed of three sections. The first lesson surprises us with the truth that the One we pray to is not creator, ruler, teacher or king. He is our Father - Jesus’ Father who is now shared with us in love. He is the Father who does not abandon us in our need, who forgives all our sins, and who leads us on the path of righteousness. As our Father, we turn to him in complete trust, as a child who clings to his father’s hand.


The second lesson is about the need for persistence in prayer. Sometimes people ask why they should pray in the first place, when in fact, God is all-knowing and thus, aware of all our needs. But God wants to hear from us what we need. We also need to be clear what we ask from him. It is thus important to call on the Lord. Jesus assures us that God is never too busy to listen or pay attention to a praying heart.


The third lesson is that God our Father answers our prayers. Yes, you will receive. Yes, you will find. Yes, the door will be opened. However the first thing our Father gives us is his Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes us realize that God responds to our prayer not in the way we expect, but in the way he thinks best. Maybe we think we are asking for something good, but God has something better in mind. Sometimes he gives us not what we ask of him exactly but what we need to be strong, patient, courageous and bold.


Let us confidently and constantly pray and trust the our Father will give us what is best!


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