BUT WHY? Mk 4: 35-41 This is a very difficult topic for reflection – suffering! God tells Job (Job 38) that the reason behind suffering is off limits to human intelligence. Everybody suffers. We try to remedy suffering. And yet, it still happens. And when we ask “why,” no answer is forthcoming. Some causes of suffering are easy to see: negligence, selfishness, pride, laziness, or natural calamities. But some are just too unclear to fathom, as for instance when innocents suffer disease or oppression, or when personal disasters follow in succession rendering one helpless, or when despite our best efforts we are met with failures and disappointments. One cannot help but ask “why” because it is the question that really begs for an answer. Faith tells us that in the world, there is a mystery of evil, a mystery of suffering, a mysterium iniquitatis . Is suffering here to purify us, to punish us, to challenge us, to frighten us, to make us cry and