21st Sunday
What a strong message the
Scriptures gives to us today! In the book of Joshua, we hear Joshua proclaiming
his dedication to follow God: as
for me and my househould, we will serve the Lord (ch. 24). And the people moved by his testimony,
also recalled the many blessings God gave them and said: we will also serve the
The gospel today, John 6,
describes how people listening to Jesus soon reacts to his words. They are now
divided. Some say, “This saying is hard. How can anyone accept it?” As a result, many from his audience retraced
their former way of life and abandoned the Lord.
Jesus turns to his disciples and
asks: Do you also want to leave?
Peter speaks for the apostles: Lord,
to whom shall we go? You have the
words of eternal life. We have
come to believe and we are convinced that you are the Holy One of God. The faith of Joshua and the faith of
Peter challenge us today!
What is happening to the faith of
many Catholics? We are going
through a deep crisis of faith, surrounded by temptations of the senses and
errors of the mind. Yes, our hearts pine for God but our minds and bodies
search for that which is practical and easy. That is why sociologists say that Filipino Catholics live a
split-level Christianity.
Sunday worship is different from
weekday business. Prayer is not
connected to decisions. Principles
do not flow into consistent actions. Faith is no longer whole; it is divided. We will serve the Lord but… We will
follow God up to… We say: “We will serve the Lord,” but we mean: “We want the
Lord to conform to us”.
This starts with indifference,
then grows into unbelief. Catholics
abandon Sunday Mass. We also have parents who do not believe in their children’s
Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion; couples who go to Mass and but avoid
to have a Christian Marriage; priests who just live as professional Christians;
mass-goers who attend merely out of tradition or requirement; parishioners lackluster in their community involvement; Catholics who
listen to politicians more than to God when it comes to public policies like RH
How do we really follow the
Lord? Joshua looked at his
experience, Peter did the same, and they concluded that only God is worth their
whole hearts because God is the source of blessing, protection, meaning and
life. There is only one thing left
to do, be faithful to this God who loves you!
Jesus invites us to examine our
faith in him. Are we committed to
him partially or totally? Are we
faithful some times or all the time?
Do we follow him according to his terms or based on our own
reasoning? May we be bold like
Joshua and Peter, in declaring our allegiance to the Lord!