“Do not let
your hearts be troubled.” The Lord is not being impractical here. Or course,
there are troubles all around us, between countries, religions, races, even in
families; there are frictions everywhere. But the Lord is concerned about one
thing – the heart.
There is a place where we can regain our peace, no matter
how confusing, noisy or disorderly our environment is. There is a place where
we can declare victory over every problem or difficulty we encounter. This
place is our heart!
Why is the heart troubled? The heart is troubled when it is
unsure of what will happen next. So many apprehensions are really anticipated
fears – those which have no basis except in our imagination. When we do not
know what will happen, it throws us off balance. This is why Jesus assures us
of one thing: in my Father’s house there are many mansions! There is a sure
place for us. God is preparing great things for us.
Furthermore, Jesus makes this firm promise: I am the way,
the truth, and the life. A believer can never be unsure because Jesus is the
solid basis of all God’s promises.
The heart is troubled also when it feels inadequate. This is
the fear that stems from “I can’t.” I can’t do it. I can’t succeed. I can’t
survive, etc. This is why Jesus explains that his works are reliable. His words
and his deeds have been blessed by the Father and will bless those who trust in
him. A Christian always “can” do everything he focuses his heart on: “whoever
believes will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than this…”
This Easter, let us train our hearts to trust, instead of to
fear. Let us train our hearts to be confident, rather than to doubt, what God
can do in and through us.